Instruments: Vocals, keyboard, percussion
Jams Attended: 2
First jam: 11/26/1994
Most recent jam: 05/29/1995
Jam Statistics - Missed : 1999
01/02 - Section X New Years Party
Location: Section X
Info: The Sheep Fiends perform with My Scarlet Life, Is-U-Is, DethKorpz and Muzloh at the Section X New Years Eve Party. 9pm to 3am.
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, Scott Johnson, David Ladd, Russ Perry
Title Album Length Rating
Mad Scientist Blues Rock 3:54 3

01/10 - January Open Jam
Musicians: DeLonde Bell, Serena (Blossom) Appel, Brian Cameron, David Hurst, David Ladd
Title Album Length Rating
Taqueria de la Muerte Rock 9:21 5
01/12 - Experiment Session #28
Info: The "Experiment Session" is revisited after a long break. The last such session was on 07/12/1998.
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Brian McNally
01/16 - DeLonde & Blossom Going Away Party
Location: The Launch Pad
Info: The Sheep Fiends perform to wish DeLonde's and Blossom's success with their move to Portland, Oregon. Show is from 9pm to 3am with the Sheep Fiends going on stage at midnight. Solo music and poetry by DeLonde, Blossom, Noam Paco Gaster and others will also be featured.
Musicians: DeLonde Bell, Serena (Blossom) Appel, Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, David Hurst, Scott Johnson, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Russell Mast
01/26 - Experiment Session #29
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Brian McNally, Nick Yates
02/02 - Experiment Session #30
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Nick Yates
02/16 - Experiment Session #31
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, David Ladd, Russell Mast, Brian McNally
02/24 - February Open Jam
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, Russell Mast
03/02 - Experiment Session #32
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, David Ladd, Russell Mast, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Greg Winston
03/14 - March Open Jam
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, David Hurst, David Ladd, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Greg Winston
03/16 - Experiment Session #33
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, David Ladd, Russell Mast, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Greg Winston
Title Album Length Rating
Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke) TimeStrands 5:43 5

The Black Corridor TimeStrands 3:28 5

Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke) Recover 5:43 5

03/23 - POW! @ Morseland
Location: The Morseland, 1218 W. Morse, Chicago
Info: POW! music and poetry hosted by Noam Paco Gaster. No cover, 8:30-10pm. 21 and older show. The Sheep Fiends performed with Comedy Central and an evening of poetry and music to celebrate the Morseland's anniversary.
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, David Hurst, David Ladd, Russell Mast, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Greg Winston
Title Album Length Rating
Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke) POW! Live At The Morseland 5:43 4

The Black Corridor POW! Live At The Morseland 3:42 4

Car POW! Live At The Morseland 2:55 3

Rave II POW! Live At The Morseland 8:33 5

POW! Conduction POW! Live At The Morseland 13:42 3

Doesn't Have To Be Perfect - Conduction [Rehearsal] POW! Live At The Morseland 8:46 4

04/06 - Experiment Session #34
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Sea Of Nothing Join In Now 9:05 5

04/11 - April Open Jam
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Ladd, Greg Winston
05/04 - Experiment Session #35
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Ladd, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Follow The Signs Slow Down The Future 4:55 3

It Came From The Cave Slow Down The Future 2:39 3

05/18 - Experiment Session #36
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Victory Riot Electronic 3:38 2

Pix Rock 9:17 5

05/31 - Experiment Session #37
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, David Ladd
06/01 - POW! at the Morseland
Location: The Morseland, 1218 W. Morse, Chicago
Info: Informal background music to a poetry performance hosted by Noam Paco Gaster.
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, David Ladd
06/07 - Experiment Session #38
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Waves Electronic 3:42 5

The Intrusive Cabbie Rock 0:45 4

Waves Slow Down The Future 4:09 5

The Intrusive Cabbie Slow Down The Future 2:15 4

06/12 - Burning Man ReCompression Party
Flier Flier
Location: The Launch Pad
Info: See the Burning Man web page for more information.
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, Scott Johnson, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, MX (Scratch) Skroch
06/29 - Experiment Session #39
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Beyond The Stone Slow Down The Future 6:35 4

The Funnel Slow Down The Future 3:32 4

07/13 - Experiment Session #27
Musicians: Brian Cameron, Paul Fehribach, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Greg Winston
Title Album Length Rating
Plucking The Hen Slow Down The Future 3:15 4

Time Tunnel Slow Down The Future 3:15 3

07/27 - Experiment Session #28
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Cosmos Slow Down The Future 1:36 3

Slow Down The Future Slow Down The Future 5:25 4

The Welcoming Slow Down The Future 3:10 5

Valley Of Dark Slow Down The Future 6:38 4

08/10 - Experiment Session #29
Info: The "Experiment Session" takes a break. The next session is on 02/21/2000.
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Fear Is Real TimeStrands 6:30 5

The Negative Consequences Of Open Spaces TimeStrands 4:55 5

Vacuum Void TimeStrands 5:36 5

Make Me A Microwave TimeStrands 2:24 3

Daisies Leftovers Vol. 4 3:58 4

08/15 - August Open Jam
Info: A jam to send-off Brian Cameron as he moves from Chicago.
Musicians: Brian Cameron, David Hurst, Scott Johnson, David Ladd, MX (Scratch) Skroch
Title Album Length Rating
Rock Out Face Slow Down The Future 5:16 5

10/17 - October Open Jam
Info: Greg's friend Annie also attended.
Musicians: David Hurst, Doug Hurst, David Ladd, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Greg Winston
Title Album Length Rating
Virtual Hat Electronic 8:49 5

The Left Coast October 17, 1999 7:30 4

Fluorescent Lights October 17, 1999 10:43 2

Rising Expectations October 17, 1999 10:44 3

The Evil Disney Done October 17, 1999 6:35 2

Virtual Hat October 17, 1999 8:48 5

Willy The Disk October 17, 1999 13:19 5

No More Woodstocks October 17, 1999 12:53 3

11/14 - November Open Jam
Musicians: David Hurst, Doug Hurst, David Ladd, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Greg Winston
Title Album Length Rating
Interstellar Overdrive Covers 3:12 5

Waiting For Winston November 14, 1999 5:10 2

Let's Get Into It Love November 14, 1999 13:25 3

Win Won November 14, 1999 7:18 4

Dig Dug November 14, 1999 16:38 3

Cameron's Favorite Chord Group (CFCG) November 14, 1999 14:33 4

Satie November 14, 1999 4:58 4

Peter Gunn Variations November 14, 1999 6:59 2

Interstellar Overdrive November 14, 1999 3:10 5

12/12 - December Open Jam
Musicians: Matthew Cramer, David Hurst, Doug Hurst, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Greg Winston
Title Album Length Rating
The Millennium Bug Jazz 1:43 4

A Cryptic Enigma December 12, 1999 14:01 4

Look On Up December 12, 1999 6:50 5

Things We Did December 12, 1999 6:34 4

Gin & Blues December 12, 1999 6:35 5

Moan With Me Baby December 12, 1999 6:08 5

Get Up! December 12, 1999 5:30 4

The Millennium Bug December 12, 1999 1:41 4

"I Suppose...?" December 12, 1999 6:46 2

What Really Happened To The Mars Probe December 12, 1999 6:17 3

Goodbye 20th Century December 12, 1999 10:12 4

12/30 - New Years Rehearsal
Musicians: Matthew Cramer, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Greg Winston
Title Album Length Rating
Raga (First Rehearsal Version) January 1, 2000 A.D. 14:37 4