I can remember sitting in a one-bedroom apartment with a guitar on my
knee, staring at a huge 8 channel amp head. I thought Brian Cameron
was nuts, but recording the music we were playing seemed like the
next logical step. For me it has always been about the reaction of the
music. My involvement dropped while working with "The Hidden",
but unscripted songs have always been fun for me.
I suppose for me it has been about seeing how an amoeba can win a
talent show. It has always been great when chaos gels into
cohesion. Synergy is one of The Sheep Fiends greatest assets and
when that synergy finds a direction it cannot be beat. The Sheep
Fiends will go down in the annals of rock history as the longest
lasting most pervasive, prolific band that no one has ever
heard of. Just the way I like it.