cratchrock Vol. XVI I finally got back into doing music regularly, but it primarily took the form of mixing multi-track Sheep Fiends recordings. The Rumpus Room Studio was fully functional and capturing everything. Good fortune shone upon us as Brian M got to know the evocative and personable man dubbed Faiz who has the power to make a guitar hit you like an orchestra. They recorded some jamming in the studio and sent it to me. I laid down some guitar, bass, and keyboard for the project that came to be known as The Rooster Davis Trio. It was proposed that we take the Sheep Fiends down the road to Pennsylvania where Brian M's farm resides. Despite no cell phone signal or Internet the band summoned primal instinct and recorded three days of music ultimately known as "Farm Jam"! As surprising as it was getting a group of guys to travel 500 miles to a remote area for an entire holiday weekend of luddite styled whatever, it is shocking still that as of this writing there have been five consecutive Farm Jam events - and attendance is as large as its ever been. This volume contains a number of songs where I recount events and situations from my ongoing existance. Tackling transportation ("The Road", "Dan Ryan Shithead"), the dangers of childhood ("Through the Ice") and the dangers of Farm Jam ("Crawlin' In My Instrument", "Fing-er Numb-er"); the lyrics tell stories infused with truth - at least as possible as that is with improvisation..., Experimentaiton is the other major aspect of this release - with "SidSense" taking delay and reverb where they dread to go and "Very Avante-Garde" and "The Fucking Drum Machine" offering remixed and humorized summarizes of particular Sheep Fiend gatherings. Enjoy!