Most of all, thanks to those who check out or enjoy our music!
Special thanks to Mark Armantrout, Brian Cameron, Paul Fehribach and Brian McNally for hosting jams.
Special thanks to Preston Klik and our friends at Section X. Thanks to Brian Cameron, David Hurst, Doug Hurst, David Ladd and Greg Winston for making Section X possible (December, 1996 through August, 2002).
Special thanks to the following for coordinating jam sessions:
Special thanks to Mark Armantrout, Brian Cameron, David Ladd, Brian McNally and MX (Scratch) Skroch for all their sound engineering work.
Special thanks to Mark Armantrout, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Aaron Zygmunt, Larkin and Shannon Saunders for artistic inspiration, photography, videotaping and lighting/video effects.
Special thanks to all of the following for their inspired graphic design work: Serena Appel, Geoff Bashaw, Christopher Blosser, Matthew Cramer, Jeff Elder, Peter Fraterdeus, Noam Paco Gaster, Mark Goodman, Mark Grant, Richard Holland, Jeffn, Scott Johnson, Preston Klik, David Ladd, Bill Lonestar, Tamara Lopez, Russ McClay, Brian McNally, Nina McNally, David Nerlich, Faiz Razi, Anisa Skroch, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Darin Stumme, Zack Webb, Greg Winston and Zoombase World Industries.
Special thanks to DeLonde Bell, Brian Cameron, Noam Paco Gaster, Russell Mast and Greg Winston for assistance with booking performances.
Special thanks to Jeff Bilicki, David Hurst and Zack Webb for assistance with The Sheep Fiends presence on the interweb.
Special thanks to Gypsy Vail for her assistance in recording the song "Gray Car Busted" at Streeterville Studio in Chicago, IL on 11/01/1993.
Thanks to Mark Armantrout, Brian Cameron, Kim Cox, Matthew Cramer, Paul Fehribach, James Gautier, David Hurst, Russell Mast, Brian McNally, MX (Scratch) Skroch, Zack Webb and Aaron Zygmunt for making their vehicles available when needed.